Friday, May 28, 2010

Many Lives in Many Worlds

In this article the description of Hugh Everett's Parallel Universe. Max believed that once you believed Quantum Mechanics you must believe parallel universe. Te idea of a parallel universe is that you live in two places at one time.

Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives

This documentary is filmed by Mark Everett. During the film Everett explains how he came up with the idea of a parallel universe with quantum mechanics. No one never recognized this idea because no believed this would be possible. Everett is on a journey to find and learn more about his father.

Sliding Doors

During this movie, a women name Helen comes across her parallel world. Her life is splint into two when she misses the subway. In one of her parallel worlds she catches her boyfriend with anther women, leaving him finding a new man, but a dramatic things happen to her. In her other parallel word she stays with him. At the end of the story both world collide,

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Individual Norms Video

Still Frames Norms

Episode 1 Mr. Debt Erid Moris' First Person

In this video, a lawyer explains how all credit card companis try to take all your money without feeling any shame. The Lawyer explains how he helps his clients deal with debt and all the credit car companies.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Growing Up Online

The interent is a big part in any teens life. In this video, teens and parents express their thoughts on what the internet means to them. Like many of the teens we know, the teens in the video viewed the internet as a way to express themseleves without being judged. The parnets on the other hand viewed the internet as a way for their teens to be influenced by others.

Kids & Money

Many kids now a days want the finest things, from the most expensive car to the stylest bag. In this movie teens expries there life as having the latest stlye and go fitting in the crowd. Many of the teens how they feel presured into fitting into a life style were they are juged on how they look and what they wear and not by who they are.

Friday, March 26, 2010


My Quinceanos
Many Hispanic girls have a tradition to have a big elegant party when they turn fifteen years old called a quinceanos. Having a quniceanos is not just throwing a big party where all your family and friends come, its an emotion and spiritual process which takes the girls from childhood to adulthood. I had my quniceanos during my summer of 10th grade. During my preparation I had went through many emotions and changes.
I started getting ready for my quinceanos about nine months before the party. I had to choose who I wanted to be my godparents, my chambelans, and where I wanted to have it. During the whole nine months chaos happened. Problems over everything occurred. About a month my quinceanos occurred I had to plan my baile de honors, which is where I dance with my father (in this case my brother) and my mother as while as with all my chambelans. I worked hard with all of my chambelans until the day of my quniceanos.
My quniceanos came on June 30; I was a hot dry day. I was tired from all the hard work I put into the party. I had to go to church, to the park to take my photos and finally to the party where I would do my baile de honors and have fun with my family. Everything went smooth and I enjoyed every part of it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Girls on the Verge

This story is about girls who celebrate their quniceanera and how the traditions have changed. Some of the girls want the tradition qunice which consist of the church and the party. Other girls want to just have the modern tradition of just taking the pictures.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Versus Essay

Women of Today and Tomorrow
How can someone tell if you are a “beaner” or a Mexican from just looking at you? I have gotten many “So what part of Mexico are you?” or “Do you go to visit your family in Mexico?”. To start off I’m not Mexican, yes I am Hispanic but my family is not from Mexico. I sometimes wonder if people know there are different places other than Mexico.
Coming from an immigrant parent I was taught as a small child to always represent my culture and stand up for my culture. Hispanic culture varies from American culture. Hispanics are taught to always respect family and stay with family. On the other hand American culture promotes for their teens to leave at age 18 and become independent. As strong Hispanic women, I have the most pressure though. From the start, since I am a woman, I was taught that my place was in the kitchen. As a Hispanic woman my place is and always been in the house serving the men in the house.
I am determined to change this though. I am an American Hispanic woman who is strong and free willed. I have the right to change the way both Hispanic and American women live their lives.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

American Born Chinese

In this story Jin, is like many other boys at his age. He has hid first crush and is scared to find out if the girl likes her. After his girlfriend tells him to take a chance and shows him if he can go after the girl he likes so can he. Jin takes the chance and funally has the chance to go out with his crush.

Persopolis: The Story of a Childhood

In this story, Marjane goes through many girls nightmare. She is taking away her identity by wearing a veil and limited to what she may do. Believing she is the last last prophet she starts thinking of why to change her life and everyone else's.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Norms: Individual vs Society

Casey Carcamo, 17
“So you can jump fences right?” What is someone suppose to answer to that? Being from Hispanic origins it is expected of me to automatically now how to jump fences and jump them faster than anyone else. Being from Hispanic origins and a teen in the 21-century is much harder. Teen life isn’t as easy as most people think it is. Teens have to worry about fitting in society because its either your in with the in crowd living the good life or your by yourself wishing you had such a good life.
Starting high school was the easiest thing I could have ever done. I was with my old friends, going to school, and playing pranks on one another. It was if we were all in a club no one was allowed to enter. We all grow up together and come from the same heritage, Hispanic, and proud of it. No one picked on you because you were Guatemalan, Salvadoran, or Mexican. That all changed though when I changed when I moved school.
Now instead of being judged by who I am, I’m judged by the color of my skin and where my parents came from. Since when do teens care where your heritage comes from? Why should I even matter? I don’t mind being asked where my parents are from but for me to be judged on that hurts. I plan on moving past that though. I plan on getting over the stereotype of me being able to jump fences (even though I can, but doesn’t ever one else?) and prove beauty comes from within in not from the outside.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Red: The Next Generation of American Writers- Teenage Girls- On What Fires Up Their Lives Today By: Olive Panter

In this story, an American-Mexican struggles through her childhood. She moved to Mexico when she was 2 and back to New York when she was 13. Sh was very popular in Mexico but started to struggle when she went to school on New York.

Entering New Territory

In this story, Alexander wants to be something other than a boy form the projects. Being from the projects, he is already thought to be hard core and from a gang. In reality he is a sweet guy who wants people to stop stereotyped.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Our Boys Speak: Adolescent Boys Write About Their Inner Lives

Some boys seem to have the ability to fall into peer pressure more than other boys In this story, Abe is a boy who knows what his moral are and doesn't let anyone change his beliefs. Chris, the writer of the letter, admires Abe for his ability to stick to his belief no matter if society does not accept him.

Our Boys Speak: Adolescent Boys Write About Their Inner Lives

In this story, the author explains how boys seem to have it harder than girls. Boys from a young age are taught to be independent, hide there emotions, and live as nothing others them. But in reality boys have the same hardship as girls, but they tend to hide it more than girls.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Red: The Next Generation of American Writers- Teenage Girls- On What Fires Up Their Lives Today By: Olive Panter

This story is about young girls expressing themselves. Girls in this story do not limit themselves to who they are and what they think. By doing this the girls are able to grow and let others now who they really are.

Red: The Next Generation of American Writers- Teenage Girls- On What Fires Up Their Lives Today By: Olive Panter

In this story Alison SMith is a 16 year old girl struggles with fitting in. She is known as the skinny girl who has the perfect body. She struggles to it in with everyone because people believe she is happy with her skinny body when she really isn't. Alison wants to have curves like everyone else.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Cassette From My Ex: Stories and Soundtracks of Lost by: Katie Krentz

In this story, there is a young girl who is in her freshman year in college. She was having the best time of her life until she was forced to go back to her hometown for the summer. During her stay at home, she spent her time with her childhood friend Luke. Both have shared time in college and have grown up but still they seem to be the same people they were when they were kids. As summer comes to an end they soon develop a small crush on each other.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It Might Get Loud

See full size image
In this documentary Jimmy Page, Jack White, and The Edge explain their passion for music and guitar. These three main musicians are different than another other artist I have seen. Each artist creates their own sounds and like being different from any other artist. These artist will not be forgotten because they create sound and music that can catch anyones attention.

High School Confidential: Beth, Cate, & Lauren

See full size image
This movie dealt with everyday teens and the problems they face everyday in life and high school. Lauren is the type of nerdy girl who loves politics and wants to make the world a better place. Beth and Cate are step sisters who are having problems with one another as well as their family. All the girls are seen going through typical teen problems and are handling their problems very differently than one another.

My So Called Life

This episode on "My So Called Life", talked about a girl named Angela. Angela begins to talk about her life and all the struggle she is going through. Like most teens, Angela dislikes her parents because they get into her life everyday. through out the episode she wishes she can have a life like Anne Frank.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Road Warrior from The OC.

Many shows seen now a days have the main character or the villain do voiceover. Voice over is when the character says her inner thoughts out loud, but only the audience is able to hear it. In " The RSee full size imageoad Warrior" episode from The OC, Summer Roberts is seen doing her own voiceover in the beginning of the episode because she believes it makes her life more dramatic.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Personal Narrative Poem: My Life Our Roads

October 2006

October 2006

What my mother gave me,

The life I was given

Is the only life I get.

Back in the days

I use to think I knew everything,

But I was just a little girl

I was found cruisin in my car

Living life dancing with the devil.

I wouldn’t care where I was heading

And whom I was heading with

Until I found un amor that

Changed my life forever.

I saw the world in new eyes

My life was now my heaven

I didn’t want to pack up my bags and

Leave this world behind anymore.

My ojos saw heaven when I saw my amor.

That all went away when he wanted to break up.

Those days I lived like Lil Wayne

Lonely when . . . . . I feel like dying.

I was torn between heaven and hell,

What do I believe heaven or hell?

I don’t believe in heaven cus’ I’m

Living in hell.

A dios le pido,

To help me through the pain and hardship.

I stopped being myself until one day

Some one told me

I see your true colors shining through

So don’t be afraid to let them show.

After that day I knew I could smile through all the pain

And I made it to a new day.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Perfect From Now On: How Indie Rock Saved My Life By: John Sellers

The narrator, John Sellers, talks about his passion for music. In the story he explains that o day he was looking through his I-tunes and how easy it is to listen to music now. He remember how when he was younger how hard it was to find that one song he wanted to listen to. Now he feels as if people are losing the main purpose of CD's.

Red: The Next Generation of American Writers- Teenage Girls- On What Fires Up Their Lives Today By: Olive Panter

Amy Goldwasser describes her passion for music. She begins to explain how everyone can relate their life stories to music. Amy describes her different taste of music began when she was a child and how her parents were a big part of her passion for music. She sees that everyone is connected to each by music.

Personal Narritive

October 2007

The first day of school was finally here. Not only was it the first day of school but also it was the first day of high school. It was a new fresh start. A new day and year to prove to everyone that I’m a different girl.

The first thing I did was go and find all my old friends from middle school. It was like walking into a foreign country. Everything was new, different, wired. Even the air I breathed has a different taste to it. Once I found my friends, nothing seemed to have changed. They ran to me and I ran to them. We hugged as if we haven’t each other for years and not months. But little did I know that feeling and those people I knew and love would soon change.

As the months went on I started becoming someone new. I started seeing the world in different eyes. No longer did I see the world in eyes of a little innocent girl, I started see the world as it truly is. The world was something beauty which was wrapped around pain and hate.

My friends and I started drifting apart. They saw the world as something that we lived in while I saw the world as something else. One day I started thinking about a song Nas made “ If Heaven was a mile away would I pack up my bag and leave this world behind?”. Would I walk to heaven if I could? To get away from the pain of not having the people I loved?

I don’t think I would. Everything that happens in life happens for a reason and I have no regret in my life. Like Tupac said in one of his songs “ There’s gonna be some stuff that your gonna’ se that’s gonna’ make it hard to smile in the future but whatever pain you gotta be able to smile. . . . “

Monday, January 25, 2010

Indie Film

If one wants to became successful indie director, one must take many steps. One must research, make films, write down ideas (even if it sounds silly), post things on the internet or in a cafe, find people to judge to criticize your work, find people to help you promote your work, practice screening your movie, get rid of any nerves or habits, get yourself on the internet and promote your movie, and repeat these steps as many times of you have to. By doing all theses steps you might become the next biggest director.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Type of Mix

There are many types of mix which can be made. The most common are crush mix, musical journey mix, audio past card mix, and others. Each mix has a purpose of being made. Crush mix are used to express your feelings to someone and gets to the point of what you want the relationship to be. Musical journey mix share two song per artist having the songs come form different albums. Audio postcard mix are made special with the creator's recorded words. Conceptual mix are art and can only be given to another student. Era-defining mix is based on the particular era you wanna portray. Breakup mix are used to send a message of what feelings you might still have left over from your ex. Themed mix are made for special occasions and made for gifts.

Love is a Mix Tape: Life & Loss, One Song at a Time. By Rob Sheffield

See full size imageA man from the 70's relives his 8th grade duties of being in charge if the songs played in one of his 8th grade dance. He describes why he wants the responsibility of being the DJ. He believes it's his job because he thinks he knows the right songs people should dance to. In his mind rock and roll are the best songs to play but soon enough he learns that is not the case. As the dance soon approaches kids from the 8th grade come up to him and give him song they want to hear at the dance. At one point of the story a girl comes up to hi to give him a song she wants to her. He seems to be scared of the girls and soon by his dad that girls are into music and DJ.