Friday, March 19, 2010

Norms: Individual vs Society

Casey Carcamo, 17
“So you can jump fences right?” What is someone suppose to answer to that? Being from Hispanic origins it is expected of me to automatically now how to jump fences and jump them faster than anyone else. Being from Hispanic origins and a teen in the 21-century is much harder. Teen life isn’t as easy as most people think it is. Teens have to worry about fitting in society because its either your in with the in crowd living the good life or your by yourself wishing you had such a good life.
Starting high school was the easiest thing I could have ever done. I was with my old friends, going to school, and playing pranks on one another. It was if we were all in a club no one was allowed to enter. We all grow up together and come from the same heritage, Hispanic, and proud of it. No one picked on you because you were Guatemalan, Salvadoran, or Mexican. That all changed though when I changed when I moved school.
Now instead of being judged by who I am, I’m judged by the color of my skin and where my parents came from. Since when do teens care where your heritage comes from? Why should I even matter? I don’t mind being asked where my parents are from but for me to be judged on that hurts. I plan on moving past that though. I plan on getting over the stereotype of me being able to jump fences (even though I can, but doesn’t ever one else?) and prove beauty comes from within in not from the outside.

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