Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Versus Essay

Women of Today and Tomorrow
How can someone tell if you are a “beaner” or a Mexican from just looking at you? I have gotten many “So what part of Mexico are you?” or “Do you go to visit your family in Mexico?”. To start off I’m not Mexican, yes I am Hispanic but my family is not from Mexico. I sometimes wonder if people know there are different places other than Mexico.
Coming from an immigrant parent I was taught as a small child to always represent my culture and stand up for my culture. Hispanic culture varies from American culture. Hispanics are taught to always respect family and stay with family. On the other hand American culture promotes for their teens to leave at age 18 and become independent. As strong Hispanic women, I have the most pressure though. From the start, since I am a woman, I was taught that my place was in the kitchen. As a Hispanic woman my place is and always been in the house serving the men in the house.
I am determined to change this though. I am an American Hispanic woman who is strong and free willed. I have the right to change the way both Hispanic and American women live their lives.

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