Friday, March 26, 2010


My Quinceanos
Many Hispanic girls have a tradition to have a big elegant party when they turn fifteen years old called a quinceanos. Having a quniceanos is not just throwing a big party where all your family and friends come, its an emotion and spiritual process which takes the girls from childhood to adulthood. I had my quniceanos during my summer of 10th grade. During my preparation I had went through many emotions and changes.
I started getting ready for my quinceanos about nine months before the party. I had to choose who I wanted to be my godparents, my chambelans, and where I wanted to have it. During the whole nine months chaos happened. Problems over everything occurred. About a month my quinceanos occurred I had to plan my baile de honors, which is where I dance with my father (in this case my brother) and my mother as while as with all my chambelans. I worked hard with all of my chambelans until the day of my quniceanos.
My quniceanos came on June 30; I was a hot dry day. I was tired from all the hard work I put into the party. I had to go to church, to the park to take my photos and finally to the party where I would do my baile de honors and have fun with my family. Everything went smooth and I enjoyed every part of it.

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