Saturday, February 27, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Cassette From My Ex: Stories and Soundtracks of Lost by: Katie Krentz

In this story, there is a young girl who is in her freshman year in college. She was having the best time of her life until she was forced to go back to her hometown for the summer. During her stay at home, she spent her time with her childhood friend Luke. Both have shared time in college and have grown up but still they seem to be the same people they were when they were kids. As summer comes to an end they soon develop a small crush on each other.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It Might Get Loud

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In this documentary Jimmy Page, Jack White, and The Edge explain their passion for music and guitar. These three main musicians are different than another other artist I have seen. Each artist creates their own sounds and like being different from any other artist. These artist will not be forgotten because they create sound and music that can catch anyones attention.

High School Confidential: Beth, Cate, & Lauren

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This movie dealt with everyday teens and the problems they face everyday in life and high school. Lauren is the type of nerdy girl who loves politics and wants to make the world a better place. Beth and Cate are step sisters who are having problems with one another as well as their family. All the girls are seen going through typical teen problems and are handling their problems very differently than one another.

My So Called Life

This episode on "My So Called Life", talked about a girl named Angela. Angela begins to talk about her life and all the struggle she is going through. Like most teens, Angela dislikes her parents because they get into her life everyday. through out the episode she wishes she can have a life like Anne Frank.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Road Warrior from The OC.

Many shows seen now a days have the main character or the villain do voiceover. Voice over is when the character says her inner thoughts out loud, but only the audience is able to hear it. In " The RSee full size imageoad Warrior" episode from The OC, Summer Roberts is seen doing her own voiceover in the beginning of the episode because she believes it makes her life more dramatic.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Personal Narrative Poem: My Life Our Roads

October 2006

October 2006

What my mother gave me,

The life I was given

Is the only life I get.

Back in the days

I use to think I knew everything,

But I was just a little girl

I was found cruisin in my car

Living life dancing with the devil.

I wouldn’t care where I was heading

And whom I was heading with

Until I found un amor that

Changed my life forever.

I saw the world in new eyes

My life was now my heaven

I didn’t want to pack up my bags and

Leave this world behind anymore.

My ojos saw heaven when I saw my amor.

That all went away when he wanted to break up.

Those days I lived like Lil Wayne

Lonely when . . . . . I feel like dying.

I was torn between heaven and hell,

What do I believe heaven or hell?

I don’t believe in heaven cus’ I’m

Living in hell.

A dios le pido,

To help me through the pain and hardship.

I stopped being myself until one day

Some one told me

I see your true colors shining through

So don’t be afraid to let them show.

After that day I knew I could smile through all the pain

And I made it to a new day.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Perfect From Now On: How Indie Rock Saved My Life By: John Sellers

The narrator, John Sellers, talks about his passion for music. In the story he explains that o day he was looking through his I-tunes and how easy it is to listen to music now. He remember how when he was younger how hard it was to find that one song he wanted to listen to. Now he feels as if people are losing the main purpose of CD's.

Red: The Next Generation of American Writers- Teenage Girls- On What Fires Up Their Lives Today By: Olive Panter

Amy Goldwasser describes her passion for music. She begins to explain how everyone can relate their life stories to music. Amy describes her different taste of music began when she was a child and how her parents were a big part of her passion for music. She sees that everyone is connected to each by music.

Personal Narritive

October 2007

The first day of school was finally here. Not only was it the first day of school but also it was the first day of high school. It was a new fresh start. A new day and year to prove to everyone that I’m a different girl.

The first thing I did was go and find all my old friends from middle school. It was like walking into a foreign country. Everything was new, different, wired. Even the air I breathed has a different taste to it. Once I found my friends, nothing seemed to have changed. They ran to me and I ran to them. We hugged as if we haven’t each other for years and not months. But little did I know that feeling and those people I knew and love would soon change.

As the months went on I started becoming someone new. I started seeing the world in different eyes. No longer did I see the world in eyes of a little innocent girl, I started see the world as it truly is. The world was something beauty which was wrapped around pain and hate.

My friends and I started drifting apart. They saw the world as something that we lived in while I saw the world as something else. One day I started thinking about a song Nas made “ If Heaven was a mile away would I pack up my bag and leave this world behind?”. Would I walk to heaven if I could? To get away from the pain of not having the people I loved?

I don’t think I would. Everything that happens in life happens for a reason and I have no regret in my life. Like Tupac said in one of his songs “ There’s gonna be some stuff that your gonna’ se that’s gonna’ make it hard to smile in the future but whatever pain you gotta be able to smile. . . . “