Thursday, March 18, 2010

Red: The Next Generation of American Writers- Teenage Girls- On What Fires Up Their Lives Today By: Olive Panter

In this story, an American-Mexican struggles through her childhood. She moved to Mexico when she was 2 and back to New York when she was 13. Sh was very popular in Mexico but started to struggle when she went to school on New York.

Entering New Territory

In this story, Alexander wants to be something other than a boy form the projects. Being from the projects, he is already thought to be hard core and from a gang. In reality he is a sweet guy who wants people to stop stereotyped.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Our Boys Speak: Adolescent Boys Write About Their Inner Lives

Some boys seem to have the ability to fall into peer pressure more than other boys In this story, Abe is a boy who knows what his moral are and doesn't let anyone change his beliefs. Chris, the writer of the letter, admires Abe for his ability to stick to his belief no matter if society does not accept him.

Our Boys Speak: Adolescent Boys Write About Their Inner Lives

In this story, the author explains how boys seem to have it harder than girls. Boys from a young age are taught to be independent, hide there emotions, and live as nothing others them. But in reality boys have the same hardship as girls, but they tend to hide it more than girls.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Red: The Next Generation of American Writers- Teenage Girls- On What Fires Up Their Lives Today By: Olive Panter

This story is about young girls expressing themselves. Girls in this story do not limit themselves to who they are and what they think. By doing this the girls are able to grow and let others now who they really are.

Red: The Next Generation of American Writers- Teenage Girls- On What Fires Up Their Lives Today By: Olive Panter

In this story Alison SMith is a 16 year old girl struggles with fitting in. She is known as the skinny girl who has the perfect body. She struggles to it in with everyone because people believe she is happy with her skinny body when she really isn't. Alison wants to have curves like everyone else.

Monday, March 15, 2010