Friday, May 28, 2010

Many Lives in Many Worlds

In this article the description of Hugh Everett's Parallel Universe. Max believed that once you believed Quantum Mechanics you must believe parallel universe. Te idea of a parallel universe is that you live in two places at one time.

Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives

This documentary is filmed by Mark Everett. During the film Everett explains how he came up with the idea of a parallel universe with quantum mechanics. No one never recognized this idea because no believed this would be possible. Everett is on a journey to find and learn more about his father.

Sliding Doors

During this movie, a women name Helen comes across her parallel world. Her life is splint into two when she misses the subway. In one of her parallel worlds she catches her boyfriend with anther women, leaving him finding a new man, but a dramatic things happen to her. In her other parallel word she stays with him. At the end of the story both world collide,

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010