Monday, April 26, 2010

Individual Norms Video

Still Frames Norms

Episode 1 Mr. Debt Erid Moris' First Person

In this video, a lawyer explains how all credit card companis try to take all your money without feeling any shame. The Lawyer explains how he helps his clients deal with debt and all the credit car companies.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Growing Up Online

The interent is a big part in any teens life. In this video, teens and parents express their thoughts on what the internet means to them. Like many of the teens we know, the teens in the video viewed the internet as a way to express themseleves without being judged. The parnets on the other hand viewed the internet as a way for their teens to be influenced by others.

Kids & Money

Many kids now a days want the finest things, from the most expensive car to the stylest bag. In this movie teens expries there life as having the latest stlye and go fitting in the crowd. Many of the teens how they feel presured into fitting into a life style were they are juged on how they look and what they wear and not by who they are.